We believe spiritual healing coexists with physical health.
Women of Health Occupations Promoting Education, (H.O.P.E.), was the brain child of the late Mrs. Lori Allen Jones. She was inspired to bring women in health professional fields together to discuss ways to motivate minority communities to develop healthier lifestyle practices. The six founding members included 3 physicians; Paula Anderson-Worts, Anita Petteway, and Michelle Powell, two pharmaceutical representatives; Corlette Deveaux and Lori Jones and a podiatrist; Alison Tomlinson. The first event organized by the Women of H.O.P.E. was a health fair impacting over 500 people. The health fair took place on February 25, 2001 at New Birth Baptist Church in North Miami, Florida. The event was a huge success and stimulated the organization of other health fairs, mission trips, health education, and medical outreach. In memory of Lori Allen Jones the organization was incorporated as a Florida not-for-profit corporation in November 2004 and received 501(c) 3 tax exempt status in November 2008.
Women of H.O.P.E., is a group of professional women who believe that there are communities that lack many of the appropriate resources to gain better health care. The vision of this organization is to develop programs that promote health education and inspire minority communities to take charge of their health.
The Women of H.O.P.E. is a spiritual based organization that believes that spiritual healing coexists with physical health. The body is the temple that houses the Holy Spirit and when we abuse or neglect this temple we allow sickness and disease to breakdown a part of our foundation. The vision of this organization is to develop programs that promote health education and inspire minority communities to take charge of their health.
1 Target minority church populations.
2 Identify populations at risk.
3 Provide activities, suggestions, and ideas for implementing health education programs.
4 Create a coalition of motivated healthcare professionals to provide education and health services to the minority communities.
5 Provide education to create culturally sensitive healthcare providers.
6 Develop, support, and empower health ministries in minority churches.
Our mission at Women of H.O.P.E. is to empower, develop and provide health education programs and services worldwide to underserved minority communities, to improve their quality of life.